RV 101 This Month: June 2017
- Wednesday, June 07 2017 @ 12:55 pm UTC
- Contributed by: RVED101

To me the term "RVing" always meant loading the RV and hitting the open road for another adventure in the RV. That changed a little when we purchased an RV lot on the NC coast last year. We bought a used 5th wheel trailer to put on the lot and we added a 10' X 20' screened enclosure. It's like having a small apartment at the beach. This is a new type of "RVing" for us. It's only a 90 minute drive from our house and we really enjoy spending time there. It's like having the best of both worlds. If we want a relaxing weekend to just unwind we head to the beach trailer, and when wanderlust hits us we load up the RV and hit the open road. I guess the term "RVing" has different meanings to different people, but all that matters in the end is ...