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eCampSite.com Pop-Up 101 DVD Review:

  • Monday, July 11 2005 @ 05:00 pm UTC
  • Contributed by:
RV News and Stories Currently owners of a 1980's model pop up travel trailer, the first thing that became ovbious to us in the Pop Up 101 DVD was that although the pop up used in the instructional video is a much newer model, the information contained in the video is as useful for the pop up that we own as it is for the pop up in the video itself.

Reviewing the video on DVD gave us the added advantage of being able to watch it completely through or jump from chapter to chapter. We watched it completely through and used the chapter buttons to quickly jump to information we wanted to see again. This can be done on a dvd player, a computer, or as we did on our laptop.

Mark Polk hosts the video and took us step by step through the pop up from making sure you haven't overloaded it which can be dangerous, to backing it in at the campground, and how to hook everything up. He includes do's and dont's that not everyone may realize are important. Mark does not speak over your head, he speaks in everyday, easy to understand language. He speaks slowly, but not too slowly making it easy to follow him and repeats a few things in a variety of ways to help the viewer completely understand. Watching the video, it seems as though he is a neighbor, friend, or family member with RVing experience who has come along with you for your first trip in the pop up.

When we had completed viewing the video, even Michelle felt that she could comfortably take the pop up on a trip alone. Normally her "setting up" duties at the campsite do not involve the camper itself but instead asking when she'll be able to get to the cooler before the kids ask one more time if they can have a pop and when the camper has been set up, she goes about laying out pillows, sweeping the floor, and hanging ropes for wet towels. She now wants to know when she'll get to hook up the brake lights *laugh*.

We believe the RV Education 101 videos (www.rveducation101.com ) to be an essential part of your video library if you are already the owner of an RV, considering purchasing another type of RV, or are considering purchasing a recreational vehicle for the first time. We highly recommend this video to someone who has been given the opportunity to borrow a friends pop up. The value of properly caring for a friends RV is priceless.

If you already own an RV, even if you've owned it for years, the video contains information that you might not be remembering from season to season and it would be perfect viewing for that first warm spring evening when you know you can't pull the RV out yet but the camping bug has made you itch. If you are considering purchasing another type of RV, we can only guess that each video is similar in style and will seamlessly help you make the move. Last but not least, if you are considering your first RV purchase, this video will give you the comfort and confidence of knowing that you'll have many years of enjoyment and value in your purchase, can safetly move it from location to location, and will know how to avoid doing damage to your RV that can be costly.
This video will lead you through 60 plus minutes of charts, hands on and easy to understand instruction that will walk you through your pop-up from the time you leave your home, until your trip is over and everything in between including how to store it!

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RV University, a site providing Recreation Vehicle safety, RV maintenance information, RV tips, RV advice and RV instruction for using and maintaining an RV by Mark Polk.
Our best selling "how to" RV walk through orientation videos and e-book titles.